GAME: Denarius Avaricius Sextus TEXT: Back in good old A.D. 79, there lived a patrician Roman named Avaricius (Avvy to his friends.) He was about 26 years old and about six foot three. He had married a woman named Arkata, which was a mistake he lived to regret- she never stopped nagging him. His few slaves were so lazy he hardly ever saw them, except for one named Crapulus, who was always at least inebriated, if not downright drunk- apart from reading Avvy's mail (amazing! he could read) and doing the washing-up, he preferred to spend his time with an amphora of wine down at the "Canis et Anas" (his local.) (*) You'd think Avvy had problems enough. However, he also lived in a pleasant seaside resort you may have heard of, called Pompeii, and he was unaware that in a few hours' time he would be buried alive. Well, maybe. Perhaps, with the guidance of his guardian angel from the twentieth century (that's where you come in) he might escape both Arkata and the volcano. The date is... 24th August, A.D. 79. AUTHOR: Thorsoft of Letchworth